Strategic Workshops Supporting Pharma’s Future

How to deliver the degree of holistic and objective understanding that today’s market demands

For any company seeking success, strategic intelligence is crucial.

For the pharma industry, the questions surrounding how to win have become increasingly complex, and the answers even more so. Distilling and prioritising the information crucial to strategy-formation can appear a labrynthine task.

So how do you deliver the degree of holistic – and objective – understanding that today’s circuitous market demands? Should you challenge your existing business model? And how can you prepare for the next disruption?

Breakthrough thinking, we’ve seen, lies in the prioritization of a full Strategic Preparedness Workshop (SPW). The SPW goes far beyond traditional pharma workshops that assess one or a few competitors or helps to clarify the path to an already clear-cut goal. Instead, SPWs align key stakeholders early in the direction setting process via a thorough exploration of the strategic challenges, disruptors, and opportunities facing a company. SPWs give leaders a chance to align, engage, and explore the best strategic approach based on deep knowledge of external as well as internal success factors.

In this paper, we’ll show how SPWs should be run – and why.


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