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Launching for Success

2019-11-08T11:18:54+00:00Case Study|

Our client was a small-to medium-sized pharmaceutical company with a limited development pipeline who was in the process of launching their first product, an orphan drug, for treating a rare disease. They were a relatively small organisation with no prior knowledge of the competitive environment and no standardised launch planning process or procedures. This case study explores how our client engaged us to help them understand their competitive landscape, streamline launch efforts across markets, and stress test and revise their launch planning strategies.

The Three A’s of Launch Readiness

2020-02-12T11:48:23+00:00White Paper|

Drug launch failures happen more frequently than pharma companies care to admit. Anticipate, Adapt and Align - the three A’s of successful pharma launch strategy. To understand and implement them requires strategic vision, a holistic understanding of every vagary of the marketplace, and a forthright and ruthlessly honest assessment of both the product being launched and the competitive space it is meant to occupy.

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