China Pharma Market Access (CPMA)

Since the establishment of the China National Medical Insurance Bureau in 2018, the goal has been to strengthen public health and medical service levels, achieve maximum utilisation of the national medical insurance fund, and to enhance the strategic purchasing capability of medical insurance funds. Significant tools in achieving this are the National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL) and drug Volume Based Procurement (VBP), which have opened a new chapter in China’s medical reform. Meanwhile, the new drug registration process is improved, simplified, and accelerated.

Deallus’ Chinese pharmaceutical market access model revolves around the following five aspects: company’s vision and objectives, drug discovery innovation, registration for approval, National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL), Volume-based procurement (VBP) and pricing, Hospital Drug Listing (HDL) and physician perception building.

Download to read more.

China Market Access Whitepaper - August 2023

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